Saturday, December 3, 2011

Individual project - Understanding another Nations Culture- Italy

A large number of individuals from Italian cities have at least a different ethnic background of maybe two or more. There is a stronger connection between Italians of different cultural background, for instance the most growing group in Italy is the American Italians. About three quarters of the Italians have a background that is not purely Italian. Stefano (2010) points out that the integration of the immigration waves to the Italian society and workforce with a less social friction is an achievement that is so remarkable. The reality on the ground of daily life in Italy is that everyone seems to have members of the family, friends and neighbors. This people could be coming from diverse backgrounds that are extraordinarily diverse. 
Although most of the immigrants want to be accepted as Italians and have a commitment that is firm to the frame work of the institution in political and legal setting, it does not imply that they do not have to maintain the aspects of their cultural heritage which could be giving meaning to their lives. It is the diversity vigor and the level of interaction between diverse cultures that adds so much to the uniqueness of the identity of Italy today.
Harris (2009) points out that diversity can be easily demonstrated by the elements of languages spoken in a given multicultural nation, religion practiced or traditions observed. A given large number estimated to more than two million Italians or a percentage of fifteen of the population aged five and above speaks a language that is not Italian at home. The languages spoken could be English, Greek, German, Arabic and to a lesser number, Chinese. It is therefore very common to find a Greek or Chinese descendant singing the tarantellas of the Italians. This could be still in the neighborhood of the Italians whereby you would find a black man confessing to the priest his sins in Calabria in the Bexiga.
Warnock (2008) suggests that to some extend the expression of one’s dreams could imply the culture of a given individual rather than his skin color. For instance, if a French man in one of the metropolitan Italian cities dives so deeply in the African cultures then this would be the case that being black is based in ones dreams rather than just skin color. This demonstrates how Italian multiculturalism is essentially a welcome to continue being what it has been and became a new identity that is different. Trimmer (2005) points out that it could be a call for a new cultural creativity and a new way for establishing a free and viable movement between different cultural settings and standards.
In Conclusion, Italy has accepted its immigrants to continue observing their cultural diversity as a way o embracing differences that exist in the society. You would find in most of the cities, more than 15% of the population speak a language other than Italian. Despite the fact that the religion of the Italians is majorly Catholics, there are those who are Protestants or belong to other religions other than Christians. Therefore multiculturalism is built up by differences of religion, traditions, language and race. Embracing all this changes in a society is the most important practice to allow peaceful coexistence in the society.


Giles, H.(2008).Enhancing Cultural Diversity and Understanding. Journal of International Multicultural Studies. 11(6) 32-45
Harris, W. (2009).Cultural Diversity. A Comprehensive Understanding.4 (6) 73-81
Stefano, A.(2010). Italian Culture. Journal of Human Diversity. 28(2) 80-89
Trimmer, J.(2005). Understanding Others: Cultural and Cross- Cultural Studies. 14(3) 55-63
Taylor, H. (2006).Enhancing Cultural Understanding. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 6(2) 45-52
Warnock, T. (2008). Multicultural Studies. A Journal of Multiculturalism in Societies, 13(8) 64- 72

Monday, October 31, 2011

American Muscle Cars

Ford's Shelby GT500 is going to an all aluminum version of the 5.4-liter supercharged V8 that was in the 2010 GT500 for the first time ever. This new engine is 102lb lighter than the previous Shelby model, as well as 10 additional horsepower over the last model. putting total engine horsepower at 550 horsepower and 510 lb-ft of torque.
The GT500 achieved the increase in fuel economy through a combination of weight savings from the use of an all aluminum engine, better body kit and improved aerodynamics and the addition of Assisted Steering that works electrically based. Also the latest is better because of the 20 percent decrease in unwanted road noise from strategically placed sound absorption materials, allowing drivers and passengers to focus and relax. Another major change for the new Shelby is the option for a glass roof coupe "panoramic roof ". The same option is available on the newest model standard Mustang coupes. Another option is that, the Shelby GT500 also now comes with standard HID headlamps, MyKey technology that allows you to start the car from a distance, an integrated spotter mirror and fold down rear headrests for maximum rearward vision.

In conclusion, The new Shelby GT500 is one of the best Muscle cars ever made in the Muscle cars Industry and probably one of the strongest cars.

Shelby GT500 Stock 
Shelby GT500 with a Wide Body Kit. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hedley's Trip

In 1980, Hedley and his family decided to take a trip to the Niah caves. Hedley went with his wife and elder daughter from Brunei. They traveled by car and traveled by a ferry to cross the river to take the car with them to the other side of the river. Hedley and his family set out in the morning and arrived by sunset. They stayed at the guest house and thanks to a local man and his son in Niah they reached to the guest house before night to settle in with his family and rest. The next day , they all went to the caves which smelled really bad because of the birds which made the caves their bird toilet. But the most spectacular scene they saw was men climbing in the caves and the reason why they climbed was to collect the bird nests to sell them to the Chinese to make their bird nest soup. They returned to Brunei after seeing the caves. Hedley's high during the trip was when he saw the men collecting those birds nests and his low is when the car broke down and he could not change the gear transmission to reverse and had to push the car if he wanted to go to reverse.