Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Final Project - Global Warming

        There are too many factors that cause global warming , global warming is one of the biggest issues facing us now. Its effects on animals and on agriculture are very serious. The causes are usually from us humans and the effects are extremely severe and uncontrollable.
Melting ice at the polar is a factor of global warming which results from high temperature in the earth. What is global warming ? How is the increase in temperature effect the environment?  what is effecting the temperature and making it increase? How are humans causing global warming ? and how can we reduce  this disaster ?
                                                                    " Google"
First, I will give you a very simple explanation about global warming, global warming is the rise in temperature in the world atmosphere. And now I will go deeper about global warming. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere gain the heat that is reflected from land and sea, these gases are known to keep the environment  warm and good to live in. this is called the greenhouse gas effect. But one of the main causes of global warming are humans, burning fuel and deforestation increases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which results in increasing intensification of global warming and the worlds surface temperature. Carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming, 72% of the emitted greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide.(markham 2009)
The earth will be in danger if there was no greenhouse gases to keep it warm. But humans have a really bad impact on the earth, they do not intentionally increase the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by cutting down trees to get wood and make paper products and it is well known that trees use carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. When people cut down trees they increase carbon dioxide and large amount of carbon capture are reduced on the planet earth (Markham 2009). Another cause of  global warming is the industries that produce electricity using coal fire, that emissions carbon dioxide to the air in very large amounts. another main cause of  global warming is burning gasoline. Today people around the world depend on cars to transport from one place to another, even if it was a short trip where the car is not needed, but people are highly depending on cars in their daily work so more car means more emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.(Markham, 2009)
The continuous increase in global warming mean that the temperature will continuously increase on our planet and that will lead to cause many dangerous effects. The most dangerous effect is the rise in sea level, high temperature will cause mountains of  ice in the poles to melt down ,resulting in increase in sea level forcing it to rise. Which will destroy cities and small towns leading it to sink, one big example is tsunami.
Another effect of global warming is crop failure that will effect agriculture that depend on crops like corn and sugar cane as their food resource and income. Which means high temperature will affect the atmosphere and the rain fall, this major problem accrues in Brazil and some parts of Africa. Addition to that, wide spread extinction of  species. According to some researches, more than 1million species are threatened to extinct in 2060 due to the gradual increase of temperature. And it is very hard to live without diverse population of species in this world. (Markham 2009).
To solve the global warming task is very difficult, but we can reduce it if we want to. Reducing global warming requires commitment ,caring about our nature and the species that  are threatened to be extinct. One of the best solutions to reduce global warming and carbon dioxide from the air is using alternative source of energy to produce electricity rather than burning coal, another solution is to reduce the use of cars for transportation by providing another ways of transportation like trains, bicycles and cars that work on the alternative source of energy or methane gas rather than benzene. Another source is to increase the plantation of trees after deforestation to cover the amount of trees we use frequently to make wood and paper so that we prevent releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide.
In conclusion, global warming is serious problem nowadays. We can fight it by reduce the sources that causes global warming. To avoid all the disasters that are caused by the greenhouse gas emissions, coal burning and increase in temperature that leads to ice melting.


In Primary Britannica. (2010, December 24). Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition: http://0-www.school.eb.co.uk.library.hct.ac.ae/all/elementary/article?articleId=440498
Markham, D. (2009, june 7). Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List. Retrieved from planetsave: http://planetsave.com/2009/06/07/global-warming-effects-and-causes-a-top-10-list/
Mazza, P. (2005). Global Warming: Humanity’s Power and Energy Solutions. a matter of spirit , 60-66.
National, G. (Director). (2008). 4 Degrees Warmer: Great Cities Wash Away [Motion Picture].

1 comment:

  1. This is a slight improvement, but still too many grammar & punctuation mistakes because you didn't give me time to correct.

